A faith statement or adherence to a specific religious creed or doctrine is not required to join First Parish! Entering into membership signifies a commitment to Unitarian Universalism, the work of this church, and your own spiritual development. Our caring and supportive community will become a part of your own, and many opportunities are available for you to serve with your peers on initiatives outside our walls.
Experience shows that the best way to become a part of First Parish in Brookline is to get involved in some way! Any staff member would be happy to answer any questions about how to get involved, or chat with a someone from our Membership Team during coffee hour. Additionally, you can read our monthly newsletter for updates on things going on in the community.
Not everyone takes the same pathway to membership! Some people become members after attending for a few years, some after one or two Sundays with us. It’s completely up to you and your comfort level.
Now, for the logistics. Full, participating, voting members are/have:
- At least 13 years old or 16 years old for full voting privileges
- Signed the Membership Book
- Made a financial contribution of any amount
If you’d like to speak with our minister about membership, contact the church office to set up an appointment. Or, for our extroverted types, grab a striped mug at Fellowship Hour to signal that you’re a newcomer who would welcome connecting, and put our spirit of welcome to the test. We’re so glad you’re here!