Approved by Parish Board, 1.9.25 During the winter months, we encourage all members, staff and friends of First Parish in Brookline to prioritize their safety…
Excited to say that you can now follow/friend/subscribe to our latest posts and news on both Mastodon and BlueSky. These are two newer alternatives to…
On this shortest day and longest night, come revel in enlightening, inspiring visuals projected on the outside of the church for our first ever Winter…
11am Sunday Worship Service led by Rev. Joe Cherry This Sunday we follow up last Sunday’s service that centered on what our legacies might be…
Full information at or email
Come to our community musical extravaganza! Widen your circle, make new friends, or bring a friend! Friday, November 1st, 6 to 8pm. All are welcome!…
This Sunday at 11am Eastern, in-person and online. This post will update with the Order of Service and slides when they are ready.
Come one and all to our New to Unitarian Universalism – or to Us – Breakfast! At 382 Walnut St. in Pierce Hall, Sunday, October 20th before church…
Our planet faces so many crises, it can be hard to read the news. And yet, throughout the world, Indigenous nations hold out a different way of being. Guest…
Want an opportunity to connect deeply with First Parish friends and dig into these engaging monthly ministry themes?September: InvitationOctober: Deep ListeningNovember: RepairDecember: PresenceJanuary: StoryFebruary: InclusionMarch: TrustApril: JoyMay: ImaginationJune: Freedom Reserve your spot NOW! SGM A: Second Monday of each…