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Social Action Forum

Social Action is not a committee, it is the flash-point where the energy-for-change of a congregation is harnessed. This is where we articulate our values as neighbors and spiritual citizens together. Through education, through service, through witness and through action.

Social Action is shaped by who shows up. There are many touch points, from one day walks to raise money for great causes to sweeping initiatives that can change the course of dialogue in this country.

How do you hear about it?

We have a social action forum every other month starting in September. It’s an open meeting, everyone’s invited to hear what’s going on.

The day-to-day window to this world is our Google Group. It’s our real-time, cyberspace bulletin board, meeting place, water cooler, town crier all in one. Email from your preferred email address to hear what’s happening, when it’s happening.

Our work is focused under three initiatives, which we reaffirm each year. They parallel national UUA initiatives.

Economic Justice Initiative

We have worked with the UU Urban Ministry, which partners with non-profits in Roxbury across a wide range of initiatives.

Since 2009, the congregation has provided financial support to Dulce, a young girl in Guatemala seeking to improve life for her family by pursuing her high-school education through a program called Common Hope.

Environment initiative

We are continuing to reduce our environmental impact as individuals and as a congregation. We are a partner of Climate Action Brookline and a subscriber to 100% green electricity through Brookline Community Choice Aggregation.

Siding With Love Initiative

We continue to educate ourselves about the hot issue of immigration and explore ways we can affect it. We’re also part of the Walk for Hunger, the AIDS Walk, the Pride Parade, the Mothers’ Day Walk for Peace, and the Harbor to the Bay bike ride from Boston to P-town.

First Parish is a member of the UUSC, UU Ministry for the Earth, UU Mass Action, and Massachusetts Interfaith Power & Light.

This is just the beginning. Like everything at First Parish, Social Action is energy in motion. We see where it goes together. Please join us!