February 26, 2017
Black Lives Matter: In Their Own Words
As part of Black History month, come hear Black Lives Matter Boston activists on the front lines talk about the context of black history and what the struggle looks like today! Discover how individuals and faith communities can make a difference.
December 6, 2015 – Banner Dedication
November 7, 2015
The Rev. Jeffrey Brown’s sermon
Testimony by the Rev. Doctor Jim Sherblom
Police Chief Dan O’Leary “Serving Diverse Constituencies in Brookline”
The Rev. Maria Cristina Pastoral Prayer for Peace and Justice
Shahi Smart: Serving Survivors of Homicide
September 27, 2015
The Rev. Maria Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa describes the process leading to the UUA Black Lives Matter General Assembly Resolution
Testimony by Ron Wilkinson
The Rev. Maria Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa’s Pastoral Prayer