Life Calls Us On (Jason Shelton) Chancel Choir
Here in reverence, now we gather
For the blessings we have known,
With a pledge to one another
That we journey not alone.
Joy and sorrow make us wise,
Kin to all that lives and dies;
Love calls us on.
Words and deeds of those before us
Waken here to keep us strong;
Blend our voices in the chorus
Of creation’s living song
Courage bids us lift our eyes
Upward to the shining skies;
Hope calls us on.
Loyal guides in love and duty
Lead us with a trusted light;
Blest are they whose inward beauty,
Shows the path of truth and right.
Honor is their earthly prize,
By their work we realize.
Faith calls us on.
We have shared a radiant hour,
When the truth has made us free,
And the spirit’s gracious power
Dreamed of good that yet shall be.
Bright the path before us lies
Joyful pilgrims now we rise;
Life calls us on!