A very special service from Lyon Chapel, with questions sourced from everyone in attendance, for Rev. Joe to reflect upon
Questions Abound!
February 25, 2024, Worship Service
382 Walnut Street, Brookline, MA 02445
(617) 566-1933
*Hearing assistance devices are available to the congregation*
Gathering Bell
Introit Youth Choir, directed by Kiara Zani
Sing for Justice Words by Brennan Blue; music: trad. Welsh
All who want peace, sing for justice gather in song!
Here we join with friends and strangers all may belong.
You who bring hope, fear, or sorrow, help us sing a new tomorrow.
All who want peace, sing for justice,gather in song!
If you want peace, sing for justice, join in the call!
Justice is love’s public story open to all.
Harmony is born of difference, notes and chords of lived experience.
If you want peace, sing for justice, join in the call1
We who want peace, work for justice, so shall we grow.
We will work to see the day when all may be whole.
Naming truths while burdens bearing, singing, sharing, learning, caring.
We who want peace, work for justice, so shall we grow.
Words of Welcome Susan Faja, Board Member
Call to Worship & Play Rev. Joe Cherry
Opening Hymn*, Morning Has Come Teal Hymnal, #1000
Unison Lighting of Our Chalice
Nos entregamos y nos comprometemos a caminar juntos como
congregación, prometiendo con mucha fe cuidarnos mutuamente
y deleitarnos en el amor que permanecerá entre nosotros.
We give ourselves one unto another, covenanting to walk together
as a congregation, promising faithfully to watch over one another,
and to delight for love to abide in our midst. 1717 Covenant (adapted)
Special Acknowledgement Clint Richmond
Excerpts from 2023 Nobel Peace Prize Speech, by Oleksandra Matviichuk
Candles of Joy and Sorrow
Question from the Congregation #1
Answer to the Question Rev. Joe Cherry
Hymn (Selected by the Congregation)*
Question from the Congregation #2
Answer to the Question Rev. Joe Cherry
Hymn (Selected by the Congregation)*
Acceptance of the Collection
Offertory Youth Choir
One Food/Lead with Love, by Melanie DeMore
You gotta put one foot in front of the other and lead with love.
Put one foot in front of the other and lead with love.
Don’t give up hope, you’re not alone.
Don’t you give up, Keep movin’ on.
Lift up your eyes, Don’t you despair
Look up ahead, The path is there.
I know you’re scared, and I’m scared, too.
But here I am, right next to you.
Blessing of the Gifts
Question from the Congregation #3
Answer to the Question Rev. Joe Cherry
Hymn (Selected by the Congregation)*
Closing Hymn, Chosen by the Congregation
Extinguishing the Chalice
Unison Affirmation
Apagamos esta llama pero nó la luz de la verdad,
Ni el calor de la comunidad ni el fuego del compromiso.
Estos los llevamos con nosotros y los ofrecemos para bendecir al mundo.
We extinguish this flame and not the light of truth,
The warmth of community or the fire of commitment.
These we carry with us and offer as gifts unto the world.
* You are invited to stand, as you are able,
at times in the service marked with an asterisk.
Upcoming Happenings at First Parish:
March 1st: First Friday Community Dinner Please join us for our upcoming First Friday Community Dinner March 1, 6-8PM, Lyon Chapel All Welcome!
May 19th: First Parish’s 2023-2023 Annual Meeting. Mark your calendar! Notices and additional details forthcoming.
Other opportunities can be found on our website and FaceBook page.